Archives for November, 2011

Do Good Lawyers Have to Be Good People?

“Do you have to be a good human being to be a good lawyer?” At a recent independent think tank, a small gathering of mostly lawyers were asked this question and the surprising, almost-immediate response from most in the room was, “No.” Upon...

Dear Law School, Why Didn’t You Teach Me How to Lawyer?

A recent New York Times article explores a fundamental gap in legal education–learning how to practice law. The article describes how most law school curricula offer little practical training on how to try cases or complete deals and focus instead...

Redefining the Way Lawyers See Themselves

Heard any good lawyer jokes lately? Probably not, but perhaps you laughed anyway, just to show you’re a good sport? How did the word “lawyer” become synonymous with greed and negativity? Over time, how can lawyers avoid taking the public’s...

Creating Value through Collaboration and the Network Effect

In a recent blog post for the ABA Journal, Roya Behnia discusses the “network effect,” the idea that a product or system gains more value overall through its adoption by more and more users. She notes that while certain industries learned the value...

Making a Place for Women in BigLaw

You might be surprised to learn that the National Association of Women Lawyers 2011 Annual Survey Report shows that when it comes to women in BigLaw, equal opportunity has a long ways to go. The results of the annual survey show that not only are the...