Archives for May, 2012

Faking It Won’t Help You Make It

It’s impossible to overestimate the impact that caring can have on your practice. We’ve spoken of caring in the past, along with relationship building, sharing your passion, and other generosity buzzwords. But it bears repeating because it’s often...

Loyalty: It’s Not about You

A few posts back, we shared some insights on loyalty from our post-conference interview with LMA keynote speaker James Kane. As the world’s leading authority on what makes people loyal, Kane has much to offer on the topic, and we will continue to share...

Keeping It Real

A list of credentials a mile long, years of experience and financial resources aplenty – sounds like a recipe for a leader, doesn’t it? Yet in an April post on CNNMoney, contributors Jack and Suzy Welch were quick to remind us that “perfect on...

Adapting in a Changing Legal Marketplace

In a recent blog post, lawyer/consultant Jordan Furlong made six observations about the future of the legal profession. In short, fewer people are setting out to be lawyers, yet those that do outnumber the number of available legal jobs 2-to-1. More...

Exorcising Your Inner Diva

When you hear the word “diva,” where does your mind go? For most the term conjures an image of one so brilliantly gifted they are worlds apart from others in their field – at the same time that they are famously difficult, demanding, and otherwise...