Archives for September, 2011

The End Game

At Generation Generosity, we believe that law firms can achieve new levels of success when they pursue a Triple Bottom Line, making their firms a place where: 1. Loyal clients want to buy; 2. Talented lawyers want to build a career; and 3. Leaders want...

Got a Great Lawyer Story? Share it!

Lawyers don’t get a lot of positive press these days…or any days, for that matter. Reporters aren’t really looking for that warm and fuzzy human interest piece unless it’s the holidays or unless it’s an extraordinary story. And they...

What Happened to Our Profession?

Our Re-Imagining the Practice of Law think tank got one participant thinking about what happened to the profession of law, and his thoughts were published on the front page of the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals this week. Timothy Tosta is...

Reflections on the Re-Imagining the Practice of Law Think Tank

What does it mean to be a lawyer? Why does it matter? What would it look like if law firms were a place where: Loyal clients want to buy; Talented lawyers want to work; and Visionary leaders want to serve? Imagine the conversation attempting to...

Re-Imagining the Practice of Law

Lawyer jokes might be funny if there weren’t so much at stake. Since the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, lawyers have been intimately involved in virtually every important civic innovation, and nothing important in business happens...