Archives for February, 2014

There’s Much to Be Gained From Loss

Just a few years ago, Philadelphia attorney Joel Feldman divided much of his time between his securities practice and his civil practice, both of which were thriving. Saving a little quality time to spend with his family meant maximizing every moment of...

What Counts is at the Core

On paper, we can be anything we want to be. But in reality, being what you want to be is much harder. Within a large firm, it’s common for subsets of the firm (e.g. individual offices, practices and cliques) to have their own culture, objectives,...

Major Disaster Leads to Lengthy Legal Recovery

In the immediate aftermath of a major disaster, first responders focus on saving lives and providing shelter for the displaced. But in the wake of events as devastating as 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, which caused an estimated $65 billion in damage...

Loving Your Clients Through Professional Development

Do you love your clients? Just about all firms say, and believe, they are client-centric. Seth Godin surmises that there are two very different ways to answer that question: We love our customers because they pay us money (Inherent here is...