Archives for December, 2011

A Law Firm with a Purpose, Other than Making Money

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the Harvard Business School professor, argues that “great companies” are more than “money-generating machines.” She posits that along with earning revenues,...

The Power of Three

In recent blog posts we have discussed things like doing good in the world in order to do well financially, the importance of seeking fulfillment through the practice of law and not just after office hours, and redefining how lawyers see themselves and...

Caught in the Act of Doing Good

They say good news travels fast, but somehow it always feels like bad news travels much faster and farther. When law firms make mistakes or do something wrong, the public often appears to take perverse pleasure in hearing about the consequences, as if...

Showing Up

Seth Godin’s blog recently featured a short and sweet post about showing up. Its conciseness and simplicity get the message across incredibly effectively. He said: “Showing up matters more than ever, particularly if you promised you would....

How Many Lawyers Does It Take to Change the World? All of Them

When things break down, lawyers often get the first phone call. Divorce, bankruptcy, IP theft, corporate missteps – when formerly solid foundations begin to crumble, lawyers swoop in like superheroes, wielding intelligent brawn to protect their clients...