"Employees" Posts

Client Service Deserves Your Focus

The past several years have rocked the legal industry, Big Law in particular. But even throughout the instability, client service has generally improved. While mergers and bankruptcies created uneasiness on the firm’s side of the equation, clients...

When Shifting Strategies, Cultural Shifts Must Follow

For a law firm to practice Great Law, its attorneys must not only understand the difference between strategy and culture, they must pursue them both separately and deliberately. A heavy emphasis on strategy cannot make up for a lack of attention to...

Pro Bono Week Highlights the Value of Generosity

Every year, the spirit of pro bono service is celebrated around the world during the third week of October. This year’s Pro Bono Week united professionals in the legal field and many others in the United States, Japan, China, France, Germany and...

Eliminating Sacred Cows and Busting Old Habits

In the late 1990’s, most law firms were steeped in tradition. Precedent was their path and the sacred cows of billing and management practices were the norm. However, there were a few forward looking firms that wanted, and saw the ultimate need, to do...

Corporate Citizenship Initiative Binds Culture of Two Firms

Today’s post was authored by guest blogger Wendi Littlefield, who is a principal at CauseWay, a firm that helps law firms develop and implement strategic cause programs that provide significant business value. In January 2011, Atlanta-based Kilpatrick...

Be Yourself for a Change

We took a look last month at the cautionary tale of Dewey & LeBoeuf, a New York City law firm that filed for bankruptcy in 2012 after a last ditch attempt to restructure. Dewey’s leadership faced some difficult realities during that process, but it...