Archives for October, 2011

Clients need legal services, but what if they specifically wanted yours?

Attorneys are incredibly intelligent. That is not blowing smoke; that’s a bar exam verified fact. Any educator will tell you though that traditional intelligence is one thing, and emotional intelligence is another. And as an attorney, you often have to...

How Dialogue Can Translate to Dollars

The second pillar of the Triple Bottom Line for law firms centers around making law firms a place where talented employees want to build a career, so we were thrilled when we found a three-part series on Janet Ellen Raasch’s blog Constant...

Attorneys Doing the Right Thing Poorly Have the Right Idea

Trying something new is scary, particularly when you can be pretty sure you’ll make mistakes the first time around. Public mistakes. Ugh. But as it is with anything worthwhile, you have to start somewhere. And when it comes to changing the public’s...