Offer an Introduction on Giving Tuesday

As we enter into the busy holiday season, life tends to get especially chaotic and stressful as we juggle more and make money stretch further. While many of us put the concept of giving high on our priority list, the intentional action often feels lost due to time, energy or money constraints.

If this strikes a cord, take heart, as Adam Grant, Wharton professor and author of GIVE AND TAKE, points out, “there is one form of giving that involves few costs, while offering dramatic benefits to the people around us. It’s the single best way to help someone fall in love, and the most common way that people find a job.” It’s an introduction.

As we kickoff the holiday season, a start-up called Intros is encouraging more proactive introductions and is launching an experiment: introduce two people, and ask them each to pay it forward by introducing two new people. Tuesday, December 3, 2013 marks the second annual #GivingTuesday, a movement that celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support non-profit organizations as part of the kickoff to the holiday season and serves as the launch date for the experiment.

“Intros cofounder Robyn Scott breaks down the potential impact of a single pay-it-forward introduction:

  • On December 3, Giving Tuesday, you make one helpful introduction, and ask the two recipients to pay it forward.
  • On Wednesday, each of the two people you kindly connected makes a great intro between two people they know.
  • On Thursday, that’s four people paying forward your introduction.
  • By Monday, 128 intros will be flying around the world.
  • If the pay-it-forward chain is strong, after two weeks, your one intro could create more than 16,000 connections.”

What an awesome way to make an intentional impact this season. If you are new, or a little rusty on the art of making introductions, here are a few key considerations:

  • Be authentic in your intentions.
  • Ensure that your introduction is beneficial to both individuals.
  • Provide context to your relationship with each person.
  • Be specific about why the introduction is being made.

Authentic relationships, resulting from a simple introduction, are what make this season so special. Consider giving a simple gift that can have a lasting impact.