We believe that lawyers need a new way to experience themselves, and the world needs a new way to experience lawyers.

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From Generosity to Generativity

If you’ve ever joined forces with your colleagues in the spirit of giving, whether it was taking on a pro bono client or organizing a food drive, you know the powerful effect collective generosity has on organizational culture. But there’s a...

“No” v. “Yes And…”

Seth Godin wrote a post about What “no” means. To quote him: “I’m too busy I don’t trust you This isn’t on my list My boss won’t let me I’m afraid of moving this forward I’m not the person you think I am I...

Developing the Science of Pro Bono

Last month, we shared some insights from the nonprofit organization Taproot about the advantages of establishing a formal pro bono program. Taproot is one of the key organizers of Pro Bono Week, a worldwide, multi-industry celebration of the pro bono...

Use Ears and Mouth Proportionately

Millions of people exercised their right to vote today. People got up early, rearranged their day, stood in line and made other small, or large, sacrifices to choose who will lead their community, state, and country. While many see the right to vote as...

Insourcing Bringing Disruption to Mid-Size Firms

Dire disruptions are coming at law firms from seemingly every direction these days. It used to be that large corporations provided some of the most dependable demand for outsourced legal services, but an increasing number of those hefty clients are now...